Monday! Back to the routine. This week looks more promising than most, with the plans to take off a few hours early from work on Friday for tric
k-or-treating. Reggie will be dressed as Bob the Builder, we've been refferring to him as Reggie the Builder, so he doesn't get confused. (thats just what we need is a 2 year old who thinks that his name is Bob). We went to Boo At the Zoo on Saturday and braved the crowds. Reggie had so much fun and he was the only kid I saw dressed as Bob..ahhem.. Reggie the Builder. My friend Megan joined us with her son, Conner, who is 3, who was dressed as Spiderman. Needless to say, Conner was only a small fraction of the Spiderman population that we saw at the zoo that day. I originally
wanted to dress Reggie as SpongeBob Squarepants (his favorite cartoon) but I looked everywhere for a costume (I even ventured to look online where I would pay $35 for a costume my son would wear once) & everywhere I looked was sold out of them. I expected to see half the kids there dressed as SpongeBob, but I didn't see a single one. So can anyone tell me where all the SpongeBob costumes went?